Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hi all, my name is Andrew Hilderbrand and over the next year I will be creating a video game to be released on the XBOX 360 with Dylan Engelman, Ed Hagopian and a few others. So far we have 5 dedicated members of the team, this is a major feat for us and we hope it will turn out for the best.

This blog will be used to document our teams progress, my personal changes as an artist/game designer and serve as a means to release our content to the public (until it gets its own dedicated website). The game is very personal for us, it is what we would like to see released. What we long to play. Eventually we may have to settle into real-world jobs, but for now we are willing to dedicate our lives to making this dream become a reality.

I'd like to extend my personal thanks to everyone helping us with the project and everyone who follows this game's progress to release. Without you this couldn't be possible. Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you allow all of us out here to be apart of watching what it takes to create for todays market. Keep up the good work!